Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Letter 1

I had forgotten all about this until the post man arrived this morning with a rather official looking brown envelope.

I opened it up to discover a very cheaply laser printed letter from APCOA parking.

They kindly inform me that I have now missed the original deadline for a reduced payment so I now must pay them 85.00 within the next 14 days.

They also offer me the opportunity to tell them who was driving so they may chase them up instead.

Tempted to give them a name of a friend who has gone back to Singapore and let them chase that for a laugh however I don't want to enter into any correspondence with them.

The last paragraph tells me, failure to pay within 14 days will result in increased charges and they MAY engage a 3rd party Debt Collector ot commence legal proceedings for recovery.

Its all hot air from what I have read on the internet.

Lets roll the dice and see what happens next !