Wednesday 14 August 2013

Well its been nearly 5 months since the "alleged" parking offense and 3 months since the last letter from these clowns.

I am thinking that they have given up already as they know they don't have a leg to stand on.

Shame really as I was looking forward to collecting and publishing a long list of letters with ever more empty threats.

Looks like I was right not to pay them a penny and I would suggest that if anyone else finds one of these silly parking tickets on their windscreen they also just ignore it.

I hope this will give someone the confidence to copy what I did and not pay these con-artists.

Good luck !!!!


  1. Hi, I'd love to know if you ever heard from them again.

    I got a similar ticket from Theale station before Christmas, and forgot to pay in time. Now they're saying I have to pay £100 or face legal proceedings / third party debt collectors, etc etc. It's quite intimidating.

  2. Nearly 2 years , I had forgotten all about these clowns until I was cleaning up spam emails. I ignored everything from them and they just went away quietly!!

  3. Never had anything else from them.
    I had more experience from other cowboys trying their luck last year with my wife.
    We did exactly the same, just ignored everything and eventually they went away.
    Good luck !!!
